A very common question we get from parents is: "Why are there so many gaps in between my child's teeth?" This question is usually followed by: "Does this mean my child needs braces?"

We've all been taught that straight teeth are what teeth are supposed to look like. But for baby teeth, those gaps or spaces are what we want! Baby teeth are very small in size in comparison to the adult teeth counterparts. By having gaps in between each baby teeth, the extra space allows for the larger adult tooth to erupt into its normal place.

Dentists describe spacing via the Baume classification system.

  • Baume Type 1 means that there are gaps/spacing between the baby teeth, allowing room for the adult teeth to come in.
  • Baume Type 2 means that the baby teeth are in contact or touching. There is a lack of extra space, meaning that the adult teeth may not have enough room to come in, leading to crowding and possible need for braces for the child in the future!

Once adult teeth erupt into place, they are usually in contact with one another, no gaps remaining. But not all gaps are bad! Some people have natural gaps in between their adult teeth and that's okay! Every smile is a beautiful smile!


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